Thursday 7 November 2013

An intro

So I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing. I've tried it on and off a couple of times along with vlogs but I'm super lazy and often forget to post...then just forget I have a blog at all. Then every so often I stumble across it and I'm like..Oh! I have a blog! and I erase all my previous posts and start again.

This is one of those times. Hopefully I'll keep it up this time.

Anyway, I'm Ari, 32 years young and half Scottish, half Greek.

I don't look or sound like I'm any of those things.

I currently live in Athens with my 4 furbabies, while my other half is galavanting around Australia building stuff and trying to avoid the local wildlife, and soon we'll both be returning to the UK. Yay!

I'm an avid animal lover, used to work as an English teacher and a SEN teaching assistant, as well as a volunteer zoo keeper. I also used to work in the TV and Film industry (did post production work on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) At the moment I am gainfully unemployed but I'm hoping to get into animal care work since animals don't stress me out as much as humans do :)

I should probably mention what this blog is going to be about. Maybe. I dunno yet. I started it because I wanted to talk about cruelty free products and I will. But that's not all. There will be other stuff. Gigs, clothes, films etc. I rant...a lot. So that's always fun.

Anyhoo...that's all for this blog post.


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